Organisational Alignment
There are six requirements for the effective implementation of an organisation's plans and strategies.
- Organisational Alignment
- Management of Change
- Leadership
- Teams & Teamwork
- Employee Engagement
The order of the first five requirements is critical because each of them is dependent on the factors that precede it. Hence, Employee Engagement is the most dependent variable of all.
Communication is the Central Nervous System of the entire organisation and plays a critical role in each of those five requirements. Damage the Central Nervous System and paralysis is the result. Likewise, inadequate Communication paralyses an organisation.
So where does that leave Organisational Alignment? As the first on the list, what is that dependent on?
Organisational Alignment is dependent on the quality of the strategic planning. By quality, I mean both the quality of the strategic plan itself and the quality of the process used to develop it. Any strategic plan has three components.
- First component - This is what we are going to do
- Second component - This is how we are going to do it
- Third component - An initial Action Program, based on the second component, not the first
Engage as many of your staff as is both practical and possible in debating each of these components, but particularly the second and the third.
By doing this, you will optimise Organisational Alignment that I define as follows:
- Everyone understands where the organisation is now
- Everyone understands the destination and the journey
- Everyone understands their role in getting there
To gain a greater appreciation of the role that Organisational Alignment plays in bringing plans to reality:
Read the articles:
Organisational Alignment - Getting The Geese Lined Up
Making It Happen Is The Hard Part
Read the blog posts:
Does Your Organisation Have A Vision? Does It Matter?
See my book:
Execution to Die For - the Manager’s Guide to Making It Happen
Contact us to book: