Employee Engagement
There are six requirements for the effective implementation of an organisation's plans and strategies.
- Organisational Alignment
- Management of Change
- Leadership
- Teams & Teamwork
- Employee Engagement
The order of the first five requirements is critical because each of them is dependent on the factors that precede it. Hence Employee Engagement is the most dependent variable of all.
Communication is the Central Nervous System of the entire organisation and plays a critical role in each of those five requirements. Damage the Central Nervous System and paralysis is the result. Likewise, inadequate Communication paralyses an organisation.
The definition of Employee Engagement that I use is that it's "an employee’s emotional attachment to an organisation that inspires greater discretionary effort."
I maintain that if there exists a high degree of organisational alignment; if change is empathetically managed; if leadership is visible and participative and if teams are goal oriented and regarded as the basic building block of the organisational structure, then the work environment will be such as to foster Employee Engagement.
If you feel that Employee Engagement is lacking in your organisation, you need to go back to basics. Do you have a plan and a strategy? Are they based on assumptions that are still valid or has the external environment changed?
If it has, you need to realign the organisation behind a new strategic plan, determine what changes are required, involve your staff and communicate, communicate and communicate. Look upon tough times as an opportunity to enhance Employee Engagement - that's when you really need that discretionary effort.
To gain a greater appreciation of how to create the work environment that results in higher levels of Employee Engagement:Read the articles:
Lack Of Employee Engagement Is An Operational Issue, Not An HR One
What Causes Employee Disengagement?
What Motivates People At Work?
Read the blog posts:
Employee Engagement Should Be The Result - Not The Focus
Employee Engagement - Or Is It?
See my book:
Execution to Die For - the Manager’s Guide to Making It Happen
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