Management of Change
There are six requirements for the effective implementation of an organisation's plans and strategies.
- Organisational Alignment
- Management of Change
- Leadership
- Teams & Teamwork
- Employee Engagement
The order of the first five requirements is critical because each of them is dependent on the factors that precede it. Hence Employee Engagement is the most dependent variable of all.
Communication is the Central Nervous System of the entire organisation and plays a critical role in each of those five requirements. Damage the Central Nervous System and paralysis is the result. Likewise, inadequate Communication paralyses an organisation.
Management of Change, being second on the list, is dependent on Organisational Alignment, with the latter being dependent on the quality of the strategic plan and the quality of the process used to develop it.
90% of staff in your organisation will change if given a good enough reason to do so. You must engage your staff in determining the rationale behind the proposed changes and the nature of those changes. As Rosabeth Moss Kanter says in her book "The Change Masters": "Change is disturbing when done to us: exhilarating when done by us".
Accept and appreciate that you and your staff will travel at different rates through the stages of:
- Contentment - "I like it just the way it is"
- Denial - "Just hang in there, things will soon get back to normal"
- Confusion - "How did we get into this mess - who's responsible?"; and finally
- Renewal - "This is what we need to do"
To gain a greater appreciation of how to manage 'permanent' change in your organisation:
Read the articles:
Managing Change - Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis
Understanding Change - Claes Janssen’s Four-Roomed Apartment
Cultural Change - IBM - Win, Execute, Team
Managing Change - A Case Study
See my book:
Execution to Die For - the Manager’s Guide to Making It Happen
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