In The Wagon Wheel Way™ - my unique model that likens the complete operational cycle to the construction, operation and maintenance of a wagon wheel, Communication is the grease on the axle that carries the wagon wheel and ensures that it revolves with a minimum of friction.
Organisational Communication can be either macro or micro. Macro-communication takes place between executive management and staff and is largely about informing, whereas micro-communication is between individuals and often takes the form of debate and feedback in addition to the two way flow of information. Macro-communication is more about “telling” whereas micro-communication involves a lot of listening and decision-making.
Communication - in both forms - is the essential tool for establishing Organisation Alignment; it is also critical to the Management of Change. Anyone who aspires to leadership must be able to communicate and communication between team members lays the foundation for effective teamwork.
We tend to think of communication in terms of the written or spoken word. But the two most powerful forms of communication do not involve words at all; they are listening and communicating through actions. As the 19th century reformer, critic and essayist John Ruskin once wrote: "What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do."
To gain a greater appreciation of the role that Communication plays in bringing plans to reality:Read the articles:
Communication - How Do You Make Your Staff Feel?
Read the blog post:
A New Year’s Resolution - Communicate
See my book:
Execution to Die For - the Manager’s Guide to Making It Happen
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