The Towards Ten Thousand Program
The Towards Ten Thousand program has the potential to transform your organisation’s performance. It has four components.
1. Optimising your investment in Towards Ten Thousand
This shows organisations how to embed the program in their operations so that its use becomes part of the way “we do things around here”.
2. The Towards Ten Thousand Workgroup Handbook
The Workgroup Handbook follows exactly the same format as the Workgroup Assessment Reports. It provides explanations, information and suggestions on how to improve each workgroup’s effectiveness.
3. The Towards Ten Thousand Workgroup Assessment Report (WAR)
The WAR analyses and interprets the workgroup members’ responses to the questionnaire under 25 different constructs. It identifies initiatives that can be taken immediately to improve workgroup effectiveness and what executive management can do to promote a performance-oriented culture across the organisation.
4. The Towards Ten Thousand Questionnaire
This online questionnaire covers every aspect of workgroup effectiveness from alignment of workgroup goals with those of the organisation as a whole to communication within and between workgroups.
For more information on this ground-breaking program and how to undertake a Free Trial see
http://www.t10t.productiveworkplaces.comI invite you to explore the links below:
Monitoring, Measuring & Adapting