Section 2:
Rolling The Wagon Wheel - Strategy Implementation
2.1 Organisational Alignment
2.1.1 Making it happen is the hard part
2.1.2 Organisational alignment - getting the geese lined up
2.1.3 Aligning the management team
2.1.4 What Qantas needs to do to get out of trouble
2.2 Management of Change
2.2.1 Managing change - Kurt Lewin’s force field analysis
2.2.2 Understanding change - Claes Janssen’s four-roomed apartment
2.2.3 Cultural change - IBM - Win, Execute, Team
2.2.4 Managing change - A case study
2.3 Leadership
2.3.1 The dot points of leadership
2.3.2 Management by walking around - do you do it?
2.4 Teams & Teamwork
2.4.1 The team thing
2.4.2 Teamwork guarantees success - or does it?
2.4.3 Executive teamwork - an oxymoron?
2.4.4 Managing organisational performance
2.4.5 Working together - are you an “I” or a “T” person?
2.4.6 The dot points of success - why this company is so successful
2.5 Employee Engagement
2.5.1 Lack of employee engagement is an operational issue, not an HR one
2.5.2 What causes employee disengagement?
2.5.3 What motivates people at work?
2.5.4 Ask your staff to complete the sentence - “if only ...”
2.6 Communication
2.6.1 Communication - how do you make your staff feel?
2.6.2 Communication - the good oil!