Facilitation & Presentation Services
Strategic Planning Workshops
I work with organisations that wish to develop, revise or adapt their strategic business plans. My role is to facilitate this process through the medium of strategic planning workshops.
What makes such workshops both different and better?
- They use The Wagon Wheel Way™ as a template and model and address the barriers to execution identified in my book “Execution to Die For”.
- The focus of strategic planning is equally divided between “this is what we are going to do” and “this is how we are going to do it” with the initial Action Program based on the latter.
- The accent of these workshops is on Planning; however, the vital factors of implementation, monitoring and measuring are also addressed.
- The whole organisation learns to speak a common language.
- Organisational Alignment - the most fundamental requirement for effective execution - is achieved
“Execution To Die For” Workshops
I agree wholeheartedly with the former Chairman of ICI Plc - Sir John Harvey-Jones when he said - “... Deciding what needs to be done is the easy part of the job. Actually making it happen is what counts, for the world of business is a hard taskmaster. You get no rewards for intentions”.
In my book “Execution to Die For - the Manager’s Guide to Making It Happen” I identify thirty-six barriers to implementation and show how they can be overcome using The Wagon Wheel Way™. The “Execution to Die For” is a one day workshop to familiarise your management team with the process required for truly effective implementation.
- Learn why Organisational Alignment is the most important requirement for effective execution
- Learn how to manage change with two simple yet powerful concepts
- Learn why Leadership is dying and how to revive it in your organisation
- Learn why Teams and Teamwork are not an end in themselves but a means to an end
- Learn why Employee Engagement is an outcome - not a prescription
- Learn why Communication is the Central Nervous System of your organisation and what happens when it’s damaged
If you are looking for a speaker to open your annual sales conference or present to members of your association, what better topic than “How to make it happen”?
Below are some further topic suggestions for your next event:
- Why brilliant execution is more important than a brilliant strategy
- 25 reasons why things don’t happen
- How to plan with brilliant execution in mind
- Flowing planning into execution
- The five key conditions for effective implementation - the OMLETTE factors
- Communication - the good oil - what to communicate and to whom and how
- Monitoring and measuring implementation
- Knowing when plans need up-dating