Employee Feedback Survey
“The average person who works at the front line of your organisation is talented, loyal, thoughtful, caring, dynamic, energetic and creative except for the eight hours a day they work for you.” Hyperbole maybe, but as in all of Tom Peters’ pronouncements, there resides a kernel of truth.
- Do you understand the difference between Satisfiers and Motivators?
- Did you know that what managers think are important to their employees are almost diametrically opposed to what the employees, themselves, think is important?
- Do you know that the two most common failings of management are failure to involve employees in decisions that affect them and failure to communicate the big picture? The mushroom principle still reigns!
- If you and your management team are normal, you will be quick to blame and slow to praise. Do you know the damage to productivity and quality that such behaviour causes?
- Doubtless you claim to be “customer oriented” but is this a veneer or does this culture permeate every level of your organisation?
- “Our people are our greatest asset”. Do you really mean that - and make the investment to grow that asset?
I invite you to explore the links below:
Monitoring, Measuring & Adapting